In Estonian

Pärnu Theatre Endla – “Thirst”

By Martin Algus

Director, design and musical design: Andres Noormets
Lighting design: Triin Suvi (from Viljandi Culture Academy)
Cast: Ago Anderson, Kaili Närep, Lii Tedre, Helle Kuningas, Liis Laigna, Lauri Kink, Ahti Puudersell,  Sten Karpov.

“I remember… I… yes… everything that was...  everything went so…. fast… everything ... that I remember... (Pause) /.../ somehow it all happened... the way it did... (Small pause) /.../ Anna and me... underneath the birches... a big party table in the garden... a photographer... black-and-white pictures of us two, in a suit and a dress again... and then... (Pause, thinking intensively)/.../ A moment of emptiness... a... a... forgotten day..? A forgotten day... What happened next?”

Something happens to a man who has it all – a job, a home, a wife, children, money, a position... He lets go of it all and leaves. No, this is not like moving to the countryside like in “Mindless”. This is the journey to the bowels of the earth.
The play runs for 2 hours.
The premiere was held on 2nd May 2008.


Etendus toimub:

  • 8. septembril kl 17:30 Sadamateatris